The Grounded Girl Interview Series Welcomes Rachel Founder of Infinite Intimacy Therapy

We are so excited to introduce our Grounded Girl for the month of September for Groundedco.

We look forward to sharing with you these amazing women in our community that are empowering and inspiring others.

Grounded Girl Interview Series Welcomes Rachel, Founder of Infinite Intimacy Therapy. Rachel helps empower committed couples, wholehearted women, and earnest men through a journey of love and healing to rekindle passion and satisfaction while developing a deeper connection with themselves and their partners. Through compassionate therapeutic services, comprehensive workshops, and couple’s getaways, our clients develop the confidence and courage to show up as their true selves in life and relationships.



Hi! I’m Rachel!


Groundedco: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Rachel: Initially, it was the lack of education and the lack of conversation around these life-forming topics that drew me to the field of sexuality. Coming from a traditional and conservative island family, there were several things that were just not talked about openly or freely – sex being one of those major hush hush topics. In high school, when the hormones started to kick in, sex quickly became a hot topic of discussion as we all started to become more aware of our bodies and our attractions to others. It seemed as though sex was happening all around me, yet there was so much about sexuality that was so illusive and unclear. I had so many questions and no one I could really talk to. Diving into the field, I quickly grew to realize that this was the reality for many of us, and it continues to be the reality for many into adulthood as well. This is what fuels my passion in my career.


Groundedco: How do you help couples restore intimacy if there’s been a disconnection?

Rachel: Relationships can be wonderful, comforting, breathtaking and complicated, confusing and heart-wrenching all at the same time. It is typically when someone finds themselves stuck in the middle of these two worlds that I receive a phone call. As a specialist in intimacy, I help individuals and couples who feel disconnected, discontent and dissatisfied within their relationships to rekindle and reignite excitement, devotion and adoration. I can foster reconnection in this way by helping couples navigate through challenges related to communication, trust and commitment. By creating an environment of safety and acceptance, couples can show up in a more vulnerably and authentically, allowing themselves to see and be seen in a genuine way. This my friends is true intimacy, and it is the source of thriving and fulfilling relationships, which then leads to a more prosperous and fulfilling life.



Groundedco: Who has been your greatest inspiration and why?

Rachel: It is so very hard for me to identify one person, when there have been so many people who have impacted my life and my work in incredible ways. The pioneers, the thought leaders, the courageous souls who unapologetically pursue they passions and wildest dreams are the ones who helped to light the fire, while it’s the light-workers and human-beings dedicated to being of service to help make this world a better place help to sustain my fire.



Groundedco: What is your favorite way to stay active?

Rachel: I am currently training for my first half-marathon, which has been keeping me very active over the last few months. However, outside of this training, I love the practice of yoga, especially hot yoga. I love that this practice can be experienced in a class/community setting and in the comfort of my own. The mindfulness that is an inherent part of the practice also helps my body and mind connect in an active way.



Groundedco: What are some tips for dealing with sexual boredom?

Rachel: Curiosity and creativity are incredible ways to help combat sexual boredom. Our sexual self-thrives off mystery, adventure and the pushing of boundaries. New and different experiences help and can be fun and exciting to embark on, while it helps to bring a sense of aliveness back into the sexual relationship. If you find that something outside of your regular sexual routine peeks your interest, lean into the curiosity, and allow yourself to embrace all the jitters and the excitement. Begin to open-up communication around your sexual experience with your partner to better identify what’s lacking or missing to learn some ideas of what you would like to be different or change. Get curious about any fantasies you or your partner may have and find creative ways to fulfill some of those wants and desires.



Groundedco: What is the most damaging misconception about sex, and as a result, you’re seeing people in your practice?

Rachel: A damaging misconception is the idea that sex should just happen “naturally” and “organically,” especially when there is a lot of love within the relationship. The idea that love equates to sex is a false one. Just because we love our partner does not take away the million other things vying for our attention and the many responsibilities we have in our lives. The reality is, the couples who are intentional about fostering an intimate connection, and truly believe intimacy is a priority, are the ones who have the most satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationships. If sex is not already a part of the regular routine, we cannot expect is to just happen out of nowhere.


Groundedco: In your practice, how do you help couples reconcile desire discrepancies?

Rachel: Education! Many people do not know there are two distinctly different styles of desire. The images and scenes we have been shown in movies and media only depict one style of desire, leaving the other half of people feeling broken or inadequate in some way. When we can identify our desire style, we can learn how to work with them and incorporate them into the sexual experience.

If you are interested in learning more about these styles, I have worksheets and courses available here. Use code: GROUNDEDGIRL for 11% off.


Groundedco: If you could pick any place in the world to be and stay grounded, where would it be and why?

Rachel: I may be a little biased, but I believe Jamaica is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The ocean, the sand, the people are so warm and comforting, it’s hard not to feel the love and light radiating out of them. My family is also from Jamaica, so it is very hard for me not to feel rooted and grounded as I step on the island. For me, there is a sense of home and belonging, which helps to keep me centered.



Groundedco: In terms of cultivating intimacy, what are some good habits or sexual goals for a relationship?

Rachel: In our society, we often equate intimacy with sex, and sex with intercourse. However there are so many different ways we can cultivate intimacy and so many different ways to have a sexual experience. Developing emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and recreational intimacy can often lead way to physical and sexual intimacy. Truly cultivating this part of your relationship occurs when you allow yourself to define or redefine what sex and intimacy is to you without getting caught up in the unrealistic expectations of our society or becoming overly concerned with what other people say they are doing intimately and sexually.

Creating rituals of connection are also important, which can include the way you greet each other at the end of the day or scheduling daily/weekly check-ins and date nights can be very helpful, while engaging in new and different activities together can reinforce the couple’s connection.