GROUNDED – August 2019

What is it mean to be Grounded?

To be grounded is to be in a moment of oneness, a moment of balance. To have clarity and be at peace with oneself. When things are not flowing in such way, it is that very moment when you know you need to Ground & Recharge.

Personally, it has taken me some time to figure this out. It has been a journey filled with adventures & lessons. Oh boy, don’t we all love the lessons. Funny thing is that the #staygrounded concept is an emotion that comes in waves and in a period in our lives when we are open and ready to receive.

As we know not every moment, or day is ever the same let alone far from perfect. Is it possible to have and or create peace in our lives? Is it possible to create that grounding feeling that keeps us balanced and provides internal peace when there is so much noise around? The Answer is Yes.

The biggest ingredient to this success is personal growth and mindset. Each one of us has the power to control our mind set. Each and everyone of us has a new opportunity each day to create new memories and experiences. To choose to be happy. Being open to the growth and to the changes in our lives as they come. Learning to embrace the good and more importantly the sucky moments. For those sucky moments are the ones filled with the lessons and the growth that leads us to the grounded connection.

I say to you my friends be patient, sit still, and embrace those sucky moments. For that is temporary and the break thru is far greater.

Watch me in this short video as I share a simple exercise that I practice almost daily. This is great when you are in any moment of stress, anxiety, depression and or anger, and you are just looking to ground.

So, start burning your sage and follow along.


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Sending you all much love and light. Remember to always #staygrounded.