The Grounded Girl Interview Series Welcomes Laura Waldorf Reiss, Founder of Kindness Matters365

We are so excited to introduce our Grounded Girl for the month of May for Groundedco.

We look forward to sharing with you these amazing women in our community that are empowering and inspiring others.

Grounded Girl Interview Series Welcomes Laura Waldorf Reiss, Founder of Kindness Matters 365. Laura started an after-school Kindness Club at her child’s elementary school that has grown to be the Kindness Matters 365 Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that delivers innovative programs to support the well-being of kids and teens. They encompass over 140 programs in 12 states nationwide, educating thousands of children each month in their Kindness programs.



Hi! I’m Laura!


Groundedco: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

Laura: The truth is… I can easily sum it all up to… I was raised well.

At a very young age, my parents taught and modeled for me, the importance of mindfulness about taking care of myself, being grateful for what I have, compassion and awareness of others and to always BE KIND! That’s simply how I was raised.

There is something truly magical that happens when you realize your purpose in life, follow your dreams, and dedicate yourself to the betterment of the world. There is also something magical that happens when you do your best to support others to find their true potential and do the same. This magic occurred for me when I saw the need/opportunity to guide our children, the future of our world, and show them the importance of gratitude, compassion, and kindness for themselves.

Everything that I do every day is to inspire a kinder world and the people in it. I have always believed in a world where people support & celebrate themselves and each other. In 2008, I harnessed this belief and started the first Kindness program at Sunrise Park Elementary in Boca Raton, FL, where my oldest daughter was going to school. This kindness movement that began as a single club became The Kindness Matters 365 Foundation, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit organization that guides children to discover the many ways they can powerfully take care of themselves first and then have the confidence they need to give back and take care of others and the world.

I feel like everything in my life has prepared me for this time of my life. The good and the bad are all life experiences that give me the lessons and tools to powerfully navigate these times and I am truly grateful for now.


Groundedco: What inspired you to start the Kindness Matters 365 Non-Profit project?

Laura:  I’m going to say it again… was raised well.

Growing up, my parents spoke of and modeled for me the importance of taking care of myself, and showing kindness whenever I could. It was part of our family values spoken and acted on. That’s just who we were and who we are.

As a young mother, raising my 3 small children with the same lessons and values of gratitude, compassion, and kindness, I could see that taking the time to teach and share these values with my young children really worked. I couldn’t help but think about the possibility of sharing these concepts and gifts with other children. When I approached our local Elementary School with the idea of a free after school Kindness club teaching the children about self-care, gratitude, compassion, kindness, recycling, inclusivity, unity, community service and giving back their response was, “how soon can you start?”

Okay, okay… TRUTH… I also wanted my children in their classrooms, libraries and on the soccer field with other kind minded children. It worked…

I believe we all have a purpose, a reason for being here, a WHY. I saw a need in our community and a reason to jump out of bed in the morning to be of service and I embraced it fully.

I hope to inspire others to find their WHY and pursue their dreams. What lights you up and gets you out of bed in the morning? Well, DO THAT and do that every day! In every way! AND share it with the world!!!

What started out as one kindness club in 2008 has grown into a Kindness movement spreading across the Country impacting the lives of thousands of children and teens, each month in our kindness programs, helping them to understand how to powerfully navigate life, and how to become (and BE) the best versions of themselves.



Groundedco: What tools do you guys provide to help overcome life-challenging stressors that can contribute to obstacles to learning & well-being?

Laura:  Kindness Matters 365 address a gap in traditional education by guiding students to develop important life skills through exploring relevant topics such as self-awareness, self-navigation, optimistic thinking, personal responsibility, understanding and respecting others, relationship skills, kindness to yourself and so much more. We share tools that include mindfulness techniques, breath work and movement, speaker presentations and videos, prompted dialogue, hands-on projects, and more. Then, to practice what they discover, the kids engage in community problem solving and service. They work together and put what they learn into action!

Kindness Matters 365 remains committed to making this world a better place for YOU, our children, their children, and for generations to come. Thank you for the partnership in supporting our children and the betterment of our world.



Groundedco: What is your favorite way to stay active?

Laura: I meditate, practice gratitude, make sure to go for at least 3-5 walks outside, fresh air, in the park with a friend and 3-5 yoga practices a week. Yoga in the park is ideal. Moving my body and my energy around is so helpful for my mind, body, and soul.



Groundedco: What are some of your best examples of the way you’ve seen your organization’s work make a difference?

Laura: Jamal was a school bully. He seemed disorganized, attention-seeking, disruptive, and disrespectful to his peers and teachers. Then, Jamal began attending the KM365 Kindness Club after school, where he explored things like gratitude, compassion, self-awareness, and self-navigation. And after only a year, a more mindful Jamal began showing kindness toward himself and others. He was respectful, participating in meetings and collaborating on projects. Jamal even shared with us that his younger sister had cancer. Through KM365, Jamal found a safe space and constructive tools to navigate challenges in his life. This was the beginning of a transformation for Jamal, and by the end of the year, he was opening doors for friends, high-fiving teachers, and getting better grades. Thanks to KM365, Jamal was no longer a bully – he was kind.



Groundedco: What’s your most successful program and why?

Laura: Our after-school clubs are our most popular and successful programs. These programs provide the structure, leadership, and resources to provide children and teens with topics and tools they need AND the flexibility to customize individual club meetings, so they address local, relevant issues in an age-appropriate fashion. Our online and high school after-school clubs also include a leadership track for students.

The clubs provide a unique combination of skill building, community connection and engagement…in an effective, fun, and inclusive for people from all backgrounds, abilities and learning styles. We are seeing more resilient kids, stronger mental well-being, better relationships, safer environments, and stronger communities emerge as more and more students are impacted.


Groundedco: What are the main obstacles that stand between you and your mission, and how do you plan to overcome them?

Laura: Fundraising, Human Resources, and Volunteers! Most people don’t realize the funding and talent it takes to create, support, and expand this amazing program each year. Each program needs a volunteer Ambassador Leader; – and currently, we run over 140 programs in Kindergarten through high school in 12 states (and looking to expand year over year); we train hundreds of Ambassador Leaders annually and refresh each current Ambassador’s training each year; we provide an on-demand, on-line resource library with 12 months of essential meeting plans and programming resources/tools. To overcome the obstacles, we write grants, develop Corporate Social Responsibility partnerships, engage in fundraising campaigns for support from our amazing donors and hire/recruit the best staff and volunteers we are able.


Groundedco: If you could pick any place in the world to be and stay grounded, where would it be and why?

Laura: HOME surrounded by family and friends because that’s where my heart and soul shine.


Groundedco: What are the 3 best strategies that you would share with the community that can help overcome life-challenging stressors on a day-to-day basis??

Laura: 1.       Create a Morning Routine:

Start each day off right with creating a Structure/Routine and stick with it:

I wake up every single morning: The 1st thing I do is think about at least one thing that I’m grateful for and keep going. I feed the animals, walk the dog, clean, and clear my space, meditate, work out, create a morning mantra, and go about my day. Somehow my brain feels safe knowing the flow of each morning and being able to count on my morning self-care routine.

  1. Create a TRIBE: Create a Safe Circle of friends or TRIBE because it’s always nice to go to a trusted friend for support or a shoulder to lean on. It’s okay not to be okay. Ask for support when you need it.
  2. GRATITUDE, COMPASSION, KINDNESS: My special, secret formula to de-stress or avoid stress.

GRATITUDE: First, I immediately start to think of all the things that I’m grateful for in this moment. Present as much gratitude as you can in that situation. You’ll notice the power you have in starting to calm yourself down by acknowledging, feeling, and seeing all of the gratitude.

COMPASSION: How can you show compassion in this moment (You/Them/It) Incorporate a little bit of compassion and empathy for you or someone else in the situation you’re in right now.

KINDNESS: Always, always, always, regardless of where you are what you’re doing, respond and treat people with kindness. What can you do now to show kindness to yourself or someone/something else?